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Maritime Industry Day

Chicago Lodge 3 could not put on this event without the support of its sponsors. As a nonprofit it is a part of our mission to contribute to the education of the professional mariner and with your support we can continue to host this great event which get all the right people in one place every spring in Chicago. We hope that you will consider a sponsorship to support this year's event.


Sponsors will be noted in signage at entry and on each table. Platinum and Gold Level Sponsors are mentioned at each break.

1. Platinum Level - $1,000

This level includes 4 tickets to the event.

2. Gold Level - $500

This level includes 2 tickets to the event.

3. Silver Level - $250

This level includes 1 tickets to the event.

4. Bronze Level - $100

This level does not include any tickets.

Sponsorship Registration

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