Scholarship Application
One of the goals of the International Ship Masters’ Association is to encourage entry into the maritime field and support the continued advancement of mariners within the industry.
Chicago Lodge 3 offers two types of scholarships.
Cadet Scholarship - offers 2 OUPV and Masters upgrade combination courses at Explorer's Guide Maritime Academy. This scholarship is only available to our Cadet level membership and is only good for initial licensing. Your cost is covered for both classes.
Mariner Scholarship - will be awarded to up to three mariners each year who are seeking their first maritime credentials or furthering their education in the maritime community. Scholarships may be applied towards the tuition of committee approved courses leading to the issuance or upgrade of a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Credential, rating, or endorsement. This is a reimbursement scholarship, so awardees must be able to show a successful course completion certificate and receipt for payment before receiving funds. This is open to all applicants.
Application materials must be submitted to an ISMA Lodge #3 Scholarship Committee representative by September 30th. Applicants may not have already received a scholarship from ISMA Chicago Lodge #3.
Once you have submitted the below application you will be asked to submit two letters of recommendation addressing the merits of the applicant.
The first letter should come from a manager or captain at your present job.
The second letter MUST be from a current member in good standing of Chicago Lodge 3.
E-mail these letters to scholarship@chicagoshipmasters.com
The deadline for applications is September 30th of the present calendar year and courses must be completed within 6 months of that date.